This Agreement provides You with coverage of the eligible items which you specifically identified and the level of coverage for each such eligible item which You purchased, as indicated in the Declaration of Coverage, and as more specifically described below. All coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including but not limited to all applicable exclusions, limitations and restrictions. You can view your Declaration of Coverage online at any time by visiting our website at
NOTE: In the event of an emergency pertains to gas, fire or has the potential to cause injury to You or anyone else present in or near your home, you should take all reasonable steps, including, but not limited to, vacating the premises and contacting the proper authority to ensure the safety of You and those present. Once the relevant authorities have determined that your home is safe to re-occupy, you must contact Elite Home Warranty immediately and inform them of this claim.
The defined terms used in this Agreement include but are not limited to the following:
A. “Account Summary” means the part of this Agreement that provides account information including, but not limited to, the Overview of Your Selected Coverage details which identify the specific Covered Items and number thereof in each category which You chose to have Us cover hereunder for a Breakdown.
B. “Agreement” means this home Copayment which Elite has issued to you, the purchaser of this home Copayment, to provide coverage solely for the above-described Residence in respect to the coverages identified on the Account Summary, and which includes the Supplemental State Specific Provisions.
C. “Agreement Effective Date” or “Effective Date” means the date when this Agreement takes effect, which is thirty days after the date we receive your payment of the Agreement Fee. The thirty day waiting period does not apply and the “Agreement Effective Date” becomes the date we issue this Agreement to you only in the event that: (i) you provided a Valid Home Inspection Report to us prior to delivering payment of the Agreement Fee, (ii) you provided written proof to us that the Residence was covered under a home warranty issued by a different home warranty provider that was in force immediately prior to delivering payment of the Agreement Fee, or (iii) you are a Renewal Agreement Holder under Section II.B. No portion of this Agreement takes effect until the Agreement Effective Date.
D. “Agreement Fee” is the total purchase price which you paid to purchase the Agreement.
E. “Breakdown” means the mechanical failure of a covered item used in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines, that is caused by ordinary wear and tear, or by a defect in materials or defective workmanship in the manufacturing process. A “Breakdown” does not include: (i) Cosmetic Damage, or (ii) any type of failure of a covered item that: (a) results from usage of the covered item in a manner prohibited by or inconsistent with the manufacturer's guidelines, (b) has been the subject of a manufacturer's recall related to the failure in issue, (c) is covered under any warranty issued by a manufacturer, distributor, retailer, builder, Repair Technician or other third party, including a warranty regarding workmanship, d) is covered under a service Agreement or extended warranty, or (e) is due to any act, omission or other ground for which coverage is excluded or does not exist under this Agreement.
F. “Cosmetic Damage,” used with respect to a Breakdown, means one or more, or any combination of, scratches, dents, dings, discoloration, fading, marring, pitting, physical deterioration or other occurrences of superficial damage, irrespective of the actual or underlying causes, that principally affect the cosmetic appearance of the Covered Item, but which do not affect its functionality when used for its intended purpose under normal circumstances in a residential household setting.
G. “Covered Item” means an item which (i) was being used at the Residence when You purchased the Agreement, must have been fully operational without any issues for at least 30 days prior to purchasing coverage and continued to fully operate there in a problem-free manner and without any issues up through the Effective Date, (ii) must fully operate in a problem-free manner and without any signs of failure consistently for a minimum of thirty days prior to failing to function or showing any signs of failure, (iii) is expressly identified in a “What Is Covered” Section, (iv) is not expressly excluded by a “Not Covered” Section, (v) is not classified by the manufacturer as a commercial or commercial grade item or system, even if the system or appliance has been modified for residential use, and (vi) is not excluded from coverage under the General and Partial Exclusions Section, or due to the Limitations on Liability Section, a Coverage Limits Section or any other limitations in any Section. “Covered Item” does not include any item that was rebuilt, refurbished or remanufactured prior to being installed or used in the Residence, even if the item was being used in the Residence at the time a Valid Inspection Report was issued.
H. “Declaration of Coverage” means that portion of the Account Summary that lists the coverage you selected for the items which you chose to cover and includes any additional charges you agreed to pay to increase the items to be covered or to increase the level of coverage for any such item(s), as of the date when you purchased this Agreement.
I. “Elite,” “EHW,” “We,” “Us” and “Our” mean the entity obligated to provide the coverage described under this Agreement, Elite Home Warranty LLC, 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE 19958.
J. “Exclusion” means any exclusion set forth in this Agreement that wholly or partially precludes coverage under this Agreement of a covered items which has failed for one or more reasons.
K. “Limitation” means any limit set forth in this Agreement that wholly or partially limits coverage under this Agreement of a covered item which has failed for one or more reasons and includes but is not limited to limitations imposed by the Annual Cap or Notes for a covered item or system.
L. “Maximum Coverage” means subject to all other terms and conditions of this Agreement, the aggregate amount of claims which We will pay in a Term to perform any repairs or replacements or provide payment of any other expenses regarding each specific Covered item identified within: (i) Section VI regarding appliances, (ii) Section VII regarding systems, and (iii) Section VIII regarding Optional Coverage Items covered under Section VIII.
M. “Maximum Category Coverage” means subject to all other terms and conditions of this Agreement, the aggregate amount of claims which We will pay in a Term to perform any repairs or replacements or provide payment of any other expenses applicable to all Covered Items identified within: (i) Section VI regarding appliances, (ii) Section VII regarding systems, and (iii) Section VIII regarding Optional Coverage Items covered under Section VIII.
N. “Repair Technician” means an independent professional technician who services one or more types of Covered Items used in a residential property, and currently holds the appropriate license, certification, designation or governmental authorization required to lawfully perform such services where the Residence is located.
O. “Residence” means the residential property located at the street address identified above and used by You and any lawful Transferee for residential purposes, and is limited to an existing or newly constructed: (i) single family home, which includes a manufactured home, condominium, townhome or mobile home under 10,000 square feet, and (ii) a dwelling which is under 10,000 square feet, or includes a guest unit, or multiple units, provided that (a) your application for this Agreement identifies these characteristics and has been approved by EHW, and (b) you have paid the Agreement Fee for the additional coverage of such characteristics.
P. “Section” means a section of this Agreement indicated on the Agreement Section Guide, and includes all terms and conditions thereunder, including but not limited to every What is Covered, Not Covered, Note, Important Note, Coverage Limits, Maximum Coverage, Maximum Category Coverage, and other similar term or condition.
Q. “Term”, “Year” or “Term of Coverage” means a twelve (12)-month coverage period for each year of coverage.
R. “You,” “Your” and “Agreement Holder” means the original purchaser of this Agreement, and when applicable includes a transferee to whom this Agreement was timely transferred in accordance with the Agreement terms and conditions.
S. “Depreciation Value” means the retail value of the same make and model or a similar make and model of a Covered Item that is in a “like” new condition, open box or restored to a perfect condition.
NOTE: The Term and the Agreement Fee will vary for each Agreement Holder classification listed below. See your Declaration of Coverage for your specific Term and Agreement Fee.
A. First Term Agreement Holder. Upon our receipt of your payment of the Agreement Fee, a First Term Agreement Holder's Term of Coverage begins upon the Effective Date stated above and continues for one Term from that date. If a home inspection of the Residence was completed prior to the Effective Date, all Covered Items found at the time of the home inspection to have a defect or experienced a breakdown are excluded from coverage hereunder until proof of repair or replacement and payment of all related charges is provided to and received by us.
B. Renewal Agreement Holder. A Renewal Agreement Holder is an existing EHW Agreement Holder (i) whose Agreement EHW has offered to renew, subject to applicable requirements, and (ii) who has timely delivered payment of the Renewal Agreement Fee to EHW and met all other applicable requirements. A Renewal Agreement Holder's Term of Coverage begins upon expiration of the prior Term of Coverage and continues for one Term. Please see Section XIV. RENEWAL TRANSFER, for additional terms and conditions which may apply.
C. Seller's Coverage. If You have listed the Residence for sale with a licensed realtor, have obtained and provided a Valid Home Inspection Report to Us prior to delivering payment of the Agreement Fee, and your purchase of the seller's coverage option is indicated by the Declaration of Coverage, then EHW will provide seller's coverage for up to the date of the sale closing or for ninety days from the Effective Date, whichever occurs first, as follows: (i) this coverage is limited to Covered Items for the following major systems - Air Conditioning, Heating, Electrical, Plumbing (excluding coverage for Plumbing stoppages), Water Heater, Refrigerator and Oven; (ii) this coverage is limited to repairs and parts required for the Breakdown of a Covered Item which can be repaired; (III) this coverage does not apply to the Breakdown of a Covered Item which cannot be repaired; (iv)the total amount which EHW will pay if one or more of these Covered Items experiences a Breakdown during this period is limited to fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500), in the aggregate, for expenses to access, diagnose or repair all of these Covered Items (with each claim being subject to all additional limitations under this Agreement, including but not limited to Sections XI. D.-G.); and (v) You pay a separate Service Call Fee of one-hundred dollars ($100) for each claim under this Section II.C. Upon EHW's review, and at its discretion, You may be able to renew seller's coverage under this Section II.C. for up to an additional ninety days. If the Residence ceases to be listed with a realtor, You must immediately pay the Service Agreement Fee to Us and become a First Term Agreement Holder under Section II.A. in order for You to have coverage for the Residence following the termination of the seller's coverage described in this Section II.C. If the sale of the Residence closes while seller's coverage under this Section II.C. remains in force, You must pay the Copayment Fee to Us and become a First Term Agreement Holder in order for Us to transfer to the buyer Your right as a First Term Agreement Holder to have the Residence covered under Section II.A. of this Agreement.
A. This Agreement is not an insurance policy or an Agreement of insurance. No coverage is provided hereunder for any Covered Item Breakdown due in whole or in part to a casualty event (accident, fire, rain damage, flooding or other water intrusion, lightning, windstorm, Act of God) or government action (including but not limited to force majeure) or external peril of any kind, irrespective of whether such casualty event, governmental action or external peril is covered under an insurance policy. Please read your Agreement carefully.
B . Coverage under the Agreement includes only the items expressly stated as covered. The specific coverage and selections which you chose and purchased are indicated on the Declaration of Coverage, which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference. This Agreement provides no coverage for any item which is not expressly identified herein as a Covered Item.
C. If you submitted a Valid Home Inspection Report to us, coverage under this Agreement is not available for any item which the home inspector identified in the report as requiring for any reason either repair or replacement, but which you have not repaired or replaced as required prior to the Agreement Effective Date. Prior to the Agreement Effective Date, you must submit to us documentation that a required repair or replacement of an item has been performed in order for that item to be a Covered Item under this Agreement.
D. Coverage under the Agreement is always subject to all Exclusions, Limitations and other terms and conditions of this Agreement.
E. Coverage under this Agreement is provided only in respect to the Breakdown of a Covered Item during the Term.
F. For an item or system to be a Covered Item for purposes of a Breakdown, the item or system: 1. the home must be occupied, and; 2. item must have been fully operational without any issues for at least 30 days prior to purchasing coverage and must remain fully operational during the waiting period, and; 3. must be installed for diagnosis within the confines of the main foundation of the Residence including the garage, and; 4. must be a non-commercial grade item that is specified by the manufacturer for use in a residential application, and; 5. must be used for residential purposes only.
G . For a Breakdown, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, EHW will repair or replace the Covered item. EHW has the sole right to determine, according to the terms of this Agreement, whether a Covered item will be repaired or replaced. When making repairs to a Covered Item, if original replacement parts are not reasonably available, EHW reserves the right to rebuild or repair existing parts or components and to install rebuilt parts or components. When replacing or repairing a Covered Item, EHW, when such are reasonably available, will pay to install replacement equipment and parts of similar features, capacity, and efficiency, and pay to provide replacement equipment, parts using the same or a similar make, model and color. EHW is not obligated to (i) match the brand or color of the equipment or parts which are replaced when such are not reasonably available; or (ii) match any feature of an existing item that does not contribute to the primary function of that item.
H. Under our cash payment policies and procedures regarding a Breakdown, EHW:
1. In instances when EHW offers a cash settlement in lieu of having us repair or replace the Covered Item, we will pay you the total amount we approved to repair or replace the Covered Item minus the cost incurred to diagnose the Breakdown.
2. In instances where the combined cost to diagnose and repair a Covered Item is estimated to be not cost-effective or not worth repairing due to the age of the item, we will not provide repair or replacement services. Instead, we will pay you the amount of the repair in lieu of replacement.
3. In instances where the combined cost to diagnose and repair or replace is estimated to exceed a stated Covered Item Maximum Coverage dollar limit, we will not provide repair or replacement services but we will instead pay an amount equal to the Covered Item Maximum Coverage dollar limit minus the cost incurred to diagnose the Breakdown.
4. In instances beyond our control that may prevent us from providing a repair or replacement of a Covered item, we may provide you cash in lieu of the repair or replacement services. The amount will be based on what a consumer without this Agreement would pay after negotiating the best price for such services in your area. These instances are when: (a) Following a repair or replacement regarding a Breakdown, an item or system would remain non-compliant with laws, regulations or code requirements; (b) An item has a covered Breakdown unrelated to a manufacturer's recall on that item; or (c) An item is not repairable and a replacement item is no longer being manufactured or not otherwise available. (d) The estimated total cost of diagnosis and repair or replacement exceeds the stated contract dollar limit, EHW may pay you the amount equal to the Covered Item Maximum Coverage dollar limit minus the cost incurred to diagnose the Breakdown.
5. In some instances, EHW may offer you a cash payment in lieu of receiving repair or replacement services. The amount we may offer will be based on what EHW would expect to pay (which is substantially less than the retail cost) for parts and labor for Covered Items, less the incurred cost of the Repair Technician's diagnosis. Such offers are only valid for 30 days from the time the offer is made. If you accept the offer, you are required to repair the item or provide a new replacement when necessary and submit acceptable proof of your actual itemized costs to EHW before any reimbursement will be paid. When cash is issued in lieu of repair in order to replace a Covered Item, unless the appliance or system is replaced with a brand new, unused, and/or non-refurbished/rebuilt item by the agreement holder, you may not make subsequent claims on such Covered Item.
I. EHW will not repair or replace any item for a Breakdown covered by a manufacturer, distributor, retailer, builder, contractor, Repair Technician, Copayment or an extended warranty.
J. Coverage hereunder is solely available and provided for owned or rented residential properties used for residential purposes. This Agreement provides no coverage for commercial properties or any portion of residential properties converted into or otherwise used for a commercial purposes.
NOTE: The amount of your Copayment Fee and Special Copayment Fee is listed on your Declaration of Coverage pages.
A. Copayment Fee; Per Covered Item . You are required to pay a Copayment Fee to Us for each Claim filed with EHW. If your Claim pertains to multiple Covered Items which experienced a Breakdown, you are required to pay a Copayment Fee to Us for each Covered item which has experienced a Breakdown. If the Covered Item is a shared system, there is only one Copayment Fee unless each unit requires separate repairs, in which case each unit will have a separate Copayment Fee.
B. Copayment Fee Waiver Option. If the Declaration of Coverage indicates your Purchase Price included payment for a Copayment Fee Waiver, then we waive your obligation to pay the Copayment Fee with respect to the first three (3) Claims within the Term. The Copayment Fee Waiver does not apply to any Professional Grade Appliances and Equipment.
C. You Select The Repair Technician. If you select your own authorized Repair Technician, then: (i) EHW does not provide any guarantee as to the workmanship of the authorized Repair Technician whom you selected, so if any repair of a Covered Item performed by this Repair Technician fails for any reason during the Term, you must pay the Copayment Fees for any additional service call(s); (ii) EHW will pay the Repair Technician for labor at an hourly rate not to exceed the standard hourly rate for such trade in the county where the Residence is located; (iii) EHW will not pay any overtime or weekend or holiday hourly rate for Repair Technician labor, irrespective of the time or date when the Repair Technician performs services at the Residence; (iv) In any event where your selected technicians are unwilling to communicate directly with EHW and/or accept direct payment from EHW, EHW reserves the right to utilize its own technician network. Alternatively, EHW may offer to reimburse you for a portion of the cost of the repair or replacement, contingent upon receiving a diagnosis and estimates provided by your selected technicians ;and (v) you will be responsible for paying the Repair Technician any amount charged by the Repair Technician in excess of the amount EHW pays in accordance with the provisions of this Section IV.C. and all other applicable limitations or restrictions under this Agreement.
D. We Select The Repair Technician. If EHW selects the authorized Repair Technician to perform the service, EHW: (i) for up to ninety days after the date of service will guarantee the repairs performed by this Repair Technician; (ii) for any follow-up repair services required in respect to repairs guaranteed under Section IV.D.(i), will pay for any additional Copayment Fees charged for any related follow-up claim(s) required in that period. You will be responsible for paying the Repair Technician any amount charged by the Repair Technician in excess of the amount EHW pays in accordance with the provisions of this Section IV.D.
E. Professional Grade Appliances - Special Copayment Fee. Professional Grade Appliances - Special Copayment Fee. EHW will charge a Special Copayment Fee in the amount of $150.00 for each claim on any of the following Covered Optional Items identified in section VIII; pool and spa, sump pump, well pump, septic system, grinder pump, ejector pump, lift pump, effluent pump, generator, and/or professional, luxury or special grade appliances, whether such was manufactured under one of the following brands or lines; Sub Zero, Viking, Wolf, Bosch, Miele, Bertazzoni, Dacor, Fisher & Paykel, Thermador, Thor, JennAir, BlueStar, Gaggenau, La Cornue or GE Monogram, or is included under a professional, luxury or special grade brand, collection or line made by a different manufacturer of professional, luxury or special grade appliances. The Special Copayment Fee is not waivable; however, whenever you pay a Special Copayment Fee pursuant to this Section IV.E. because your claim request involves a professional grade appliance, you will not be required to pay a separate Copayment Fee under Section IV.A. unless your claim request also involves one or more Covered Items that is not a professional grade appliance.
F. Weekends/After Hours. Weekends/After Hours - Special Copayment Fee. EHW will charge a Special Copayment Fee in the amount of $150.00 for each claim when service is provided during the weekend and/or during after hours.
A . EHW accepts service requests for claims 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
B . You must notify EHW as soon as you discover a potential Breakdown, which notice must be provided to us prior to expiration of the Term of Coverage. If you think a Covered Item has experienced a Breakdown, please provide notice of your claim to us by either: (i) going to our website at, or (ii) by calling us at (888) 222-1202 immediately.
C . We will not reimburse you for services performed without our prior approval of your claim. You must timely pay all types of AGREEMENT FEES and AGREEMENT FEES with respect to each claim you file. EHW will not provide service for a new claim until you have paid in full all past due AGREEMENT FEES and Agreement Fees for each prior claim.
D . You may select your own authorized Repair Technician.
E . If you do not select your own authorized Repair Technician, EHW will select an authorized Repair Technician to perform the service. The Repair Technician will contact you to schedule your service appointment, for service to be performed during normal business hours.
F . Under normal circumstances, service will commence within 24-48 hours after we receive your service request.
G . EHW will accept your request to expedite scheduling of non-emergency service only when a Repair Technician is available. If the Repair Technician agrees to expedite scheduling of a non-emergency service request, you may be required to pay an additional fee.
H . EHW will determine if a service constitutes an emergency and will make reasonable efforts to expedite emergency service.
I . EHW reserves the right to obtain a second opinion at its expense. In the event that EHW informs you the potential Breakdown is not covered under this Agreement, you have the right to request a second opinion of the cause of the potential Breakdown. You must ask EHW for a second opinion from another Repair Technician at your expense within 7 days from the date when EHW informs you the potential Breakdown is not covered. In the event that the outcome of the second opinion is different than the first opinion, then EHW may, in its discretion, decide whether and to what extent coverage will be made available under this Agreement.
Sections VI, VII and VIII - Categories of Coverage:
Appliances; Systems; Optional Items
MAXIMUM COVERAGE PER COVERED APPLIANCE - The Maximum Coverage noted below for each type of appliance applies to a single unit of the covered appliance in issue. If the Account Summary indicates that You purchased coverage for two (2) or more units of the covered appliance in issue, then the MAXIMUM COVERAGE indicated below applies to each unit of the total number of items indicated on the Account Summary, which amount may not exceed the Maximum Category Coverage. SPECIAL GRADE APPLIANCES - See Section IV.E. regarding the Special Copayment charged for every trade service request that pertains to a claim on any professional grade appliance.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including integrated freezer, ice maker, ice dispenser, water dispenser, temperature control, control board, power supply board, defrost control board, compressor, thermistors, condensers, evaporators, fan motors, timers, thermostats, wiring, fans, dampers, and damper motors, except:
Not Covered: unrepairable leaks of any kind | water lines | leaks from sealed systems and/or components and parts for sealed systems | freon | freestanding freezer | multimedia centers | wine chillers | cosmetic and/or physical damages.
Note: If any ice maker(s), ice dispenser(s) or water dispenser(s) or related mechanism(s) must be repaired or replaced due to a Breakdown, the liability of EHW is limited to paying in the aggregate up to $250 per Year combined for access to, diagnosis, repair, or replacement of all such ice maker(s), ice dispenser(s), water dispenser(s) or related mechanism(s); Contract Holder is responsible for payment of any additional expenses relating to access, diagnosis, repair or replacement all ice maker(s), ice dispenser(s), water dispenser(s) or related mechanism(s).
Maximum Coverage: $3,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including control boards, thermostats, motors, pumps, wiring, belts, relays and switches, water valve, agitator, transmission, clutch and brake assemblies, coupler, tub bearings, tub seals, timer, drain pumps, pressure sensor, hoses, pulleys, igniters, fuses, gas valve and leaks due a mechanical failure, except:
Not Covered: unrepairable leaks of any kind | damage of clothing | removable mini tubs | lint screens | leveling and balancing | soap dispenser | cosmetic and/or physical damages.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year or $1,500 for combo units per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including control boards, thermostats, motors, blower wheel, timer, pumps, wiring, burners and heating elements, pulleys, igniters, fuses, drum rollers, glides, drum bearing, thermistors, pilot assemblies, flame sensors, gas valve and leaks due a mechanical failure, except:
Not Covered: unrepairable leaks of any kind | damage of clothing | venting |lint screens | leveling and balancing | cosmetic and/or physical damages.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year or $1,500 for combo units per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including control boards, heating elements, burners, cooking elements, thermostats, wiring, gas valves, control panel, control overlays, temperature sensor, igniters and broilers, except:
Not Covered: unrepairable leaks of any kind |venting | rotisseries | downdrafts | range exhaust hood | self-cleaning mechanism | cosmetic and/or physical damages.
Note: If a combo unit requires replacement due to a failure in one of its units, EHW will provide coverage benefits for the specific unit that needs replacement without replacing both units.
Maximum Coverage: $2,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including control boards, motors, heating elements, water valves, drain pump, hosed, drain lines, float sensor, dishwasher tub, wash arm, spray arm, fill valves and leaks due a mechanical failure, except:
Not Covered: unrepairable leaks of any kind | soap dispensers | effectiveness of cleaning | cosmetic and/or physical damages.
Maximum Coverage: $1,500 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including control board, transformer, touch and control panel, magnetron, capacitor, diode, coupler, turntable motor, cooling fan, except:
Not Covered: portable units | combo unit | units with trim kits | turn table | interior lining | cosmetic and/or physical damages.
Note: If a combo unit requires replacement due to a failure in one of its units, EHW will provide coverage benefits for the specific unit that needs replacement without replacing both units.
Maximum Coverage: $500 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including motors, blades, wiring, casing, switches and leaks due a mechanical failure, except:
Not Covered: malfunctions caused by bones, glass, or foreign objects other than food | cosmetic and/or physical damages.
Maximum Coverage: $500 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including motors, and bearings, except:
Not Covered: broken, loose, missing or unattached wires | maintenance | switches | noise | blades | range exhaust fans | shutters | lighting | cosmetic and/or physical damages.
Maximum Coverage: $250 per Year.
MAXIMUM COVERAGE PER COVERED SYSTEM – The Maximum Coverage noted below for each type of system applies to a single unit of the covered system in issue. If the Account Summary indicates that You purchased coverage for two (2) or more units of the covered system in issue, then the MAXIMUM COVERAGE indicated below applies to each unit of that type of system indicated on the Account Summary, which amount may not exceed the Maximum Category Coverage.
If the Residence: (a) does not have an HVAC system serve as its primary heating and cooling system, we provide the standard coverage you separately selected, paid the additional charge for, and which appears on the Account Summary for (i) the Residence's primary gas, oil or electric heating unit and ductwork, or (ii) the Residence's primary Air Conditioning unit and ductwork, or (iii) both (i) and (ii); or (b) does have an HVAC system, we provide standard coverage for the HVAC system, provided, however, that we provide no coverage for any other Air Conditioning or heating equipment or ductwork that heats or cools any part of a floor within the Residence, unless you separately selected such additional coverage, paid the additional charge for such coverage, and such coverage appears on the Account Summary.
Coverage is available on HVAC systems or Heating and Air Conditioning units having a capacity of up to five (5) tons. Where covered repairs require access to Air Conditioning and Heating ductwork, EHW will provide access to ductwork only through unobstructed walls, ceilings or floors, and will return access openings to a rough finish.
If the Air Conditioning and Heating ductwork is accessible only through a concrete floor, wall or ceiling, EHW will pay a total of up to $1,000 per Year to access, diagnose, repair or replace such ductwork, including returning access openings to a rough finish. During the Term, EHW will pay for access, diagnosis, and replacement related to necessary or required Heating and Air Conditioning Systems efficiency and other upgrades except: (1) costs associated with plenums and refrigerant line sets, and (2) any other Heating and Air Conditioning-specific limitations and exclusions in your Agreement. *When the word “primary” is used in respect to the Air Conditioning and Heating System for a heated and/or cooled floor of the Residence, “primary” means: (a) the HVAC system, if it heats and cools any part of that floor, or (b) the main source of cooling and/or heating for a floor, if there is no HVAC system that heats or cools any part of that floor.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including main control board, thermostats, compressors, motors, condensers, casings, pumps, transformers, capacitors, contactors, pressure switches, belts, pulleys, drain lines, thermistor, elements, exchangers, fuses, electronic circuits, rectifiers, evaporator coils, condenser coils, zone controllers, copper line leak repair, blower wheels, blower motors, defrost elements and freon*, except:
Not Covered: maintenance and cleaning | leak detection | unrepairable leaks of any kind | unrepairable copper pipes | power surge | compressor shorted to ground | smart gadgets and/or smart thermostat | humidifiers | disconnect boxes | condenser casings | condensate pumps | thermal expansion tanks and related parts | thermal expansion valves | registers and grills | Leaks of any kind | coils Leaks | malfunctions and/or Breakdowns arising from lack of maintenance | outside or underground piping for geothermal and/or water units | well pump, and well pump components for geothermal and/or water units | improperly sized units | support equipment.
Type Of Systems Covered: electric central Air Conditioning unit | heat pump | duct systems | wall Air Conditioners | mini splits | evaporative coolers | Swamp Cooler | HVAC System.
Type Of Systems Not Covered: portable units | propane units | water towers | humidifiers | chillers | air cleaners | lithium units | window units | geothermal | radiant units | solar units | packaged units.
Freon Coverage: EHW liability hereunder is limited to paying in the aggregate up to $250 per Year for refrigerant for all Breakdowns which could be covered under this Section unless additional coverage is purchased and noted herein. Freon Coverage is excluded during the first ninety days. EHW will not provide Freon benefits within the first ninety days of the service agreement effective date.
Note: Wall Units are limited to a maximum coverage benefits of up to $500 per Year.
Records: We do not require maintenance records. However, Air Conditioning and Cooling Systems must be serviced annually and to maintain the required regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently.
Maximum Coverage: $3,000 per Year. If the Air Conditioning system is part of an HVAC system, the Maximum Coverage under this category of system is $5,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including main control board, thermostats, compressors, motors, condensers, pumps, transformers, capacitors, contactors, pressure switches, coils, belts, pulleys, relays, drain lines, thermistor, elements, exchangers, fuses, electronic circuits, burners, controls, ignitors, inducer motors, blower fan motors, limit switches, heat exchangers, furnace control boards, zone controllers, temperature sensors, burner assemblies, pilot assemblies, and fan blades except:
Not Covered: maintenance and cleaning | leak detection | unrepairable leaks of any kind | unrepairable copper pipes | smart gadgets and/or smart thermostat | humidifiers | rectifiers | fuel storage tanks | concrete encased or inaccessible ductwork | cracked heat exchangers | power surge | compressor shorted to ground | deteriorated heat exchanger | heat exchanger leakage | thermal expansion tanks | insulation | Leaks of any kind | insulated ductwork | asbestos | evaporator coil pan | dampers | valves and key valves | inaccessible water and steam lines | backflow preventers | registers and grills | vents | flues, and liners | cleaning and re-lighting of pilots | malfunctions and/or Breakdowns arising from lack of maintenance | outside or underground piping for geothermal and/or water units | mismatched systems | improperly sized units.
Type Of Systems Covered: forced air systems | electric baseboards | hot water units | boilers | steam circulating units | wall mounted heaters | heat pumps | radiant units | floor furnaces | mini splits | HVAC system.
Type Of Systems Not Covered: portable units | geothermal | propane units | solar units | packaged units | chimneys | fireplaces | wood, grain or pallet heating units | window units | humidifiers | air cleaners | individual space heaters | electric baseboard heat unless primary heating system | pellet stoves | heat lamps.
Note: We do not require maintenance records. However, Heating Systems must be serviced annually and to maintain the required regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently.
Maximum Coverage: $3,000 per Year. If the Heating system is part of an HVAC system, the Maximum Coverage under this category of system is $5,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality within the main foundation of the Residence including: wiring, main panels, sub-panels, switches, breakers, receptacles, junction boxes, ground fault interrupters, and outlets, except:
Not Covered: troubleshooting | exterior electrical lines and wiring | underground electrical lines and wiring | intercom and communication systems | meter boxes | faceplates | dc components | fixtures | attic exhaust fans | wire tracing | rerunning of wiring | auxiliary | alarm systems | smoke detectors | doorbells | upgrading existing outlets | telephone systems | telephone wiring | energy management systems | Solar Systems.
Note: Where covered repairs require access to the electrical system, EHW will pay up to $250 for cost to provide access to the electrical system through walls, ceilings or floors, and will return access openings to a rough finish. Agreement Holder is fully responsible for payment of any additional expenses relating to access through walls, ceilings or floors.
Maximum Coverage: $2,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: Interior plumbing lines of the main foundation of the Residence including leaks and/or breaks of water lines, waste lines, vent lines, main valve / shut off valve, pressure regulators, angle stops, risers, main gate valve, built-in bathtub whirlpool motor, pump and air switch assemblies, except:
Not Covered: exterior plumbing | any pipes located underneath a concrete foundation | slab leaks | uninsulated and/or Improperly insulated pipes | broken pipes | breakdown resulting from a weather condition | leaks and breakdown resulting from poor condition of tiles, porcelain, grout, and/or similar conditions | restoration | polybutylene and galvanized pipes | hose bibs | basket strainers | showers | bathtubs | sinks | toilet seats and leads | jets | saunas or steam rooms | storage tanks | holding tanks | grouting | caulking | water filtration system | septic tanks | sump pumps | well pumps | ejector pumps* | access through roof vents | gas lines | water closets | drum traps | flange | fixtures and cartridges | baskets and strainers | popup assemblies | cracked porcelain | tiles | shower enclosures and base pans | roman tubs | bathtub drain mechanisms | plumbing fixtures pressure regulators and valves | flood control or check valves | caulking | filtration systems | iron breakers | water pressure | backflow preventer | holding and storage tanks | saunas and steam rooms | jetting | camera inspection.
Note: EHW will not cover and/or be liable for a slab leak of any kind and/or any pipes located underneath a concrete foundation. Where covered repairs require access to plumbing, EHW will pay up to $250 for cost to provide access to plumbing through walls, ceilings or floors, and will return access openings to a rough finish. Agreement Holder is fully responsible for payment of any additional expenses relating to access to plumbing through walls, ceilings or floors.
Additional Benefits: Plumbing fixtures, toilets, faucets, valves for plumbing fixtures, and additional components related to plumbing fixtures are covered under plumbing fixtures coverage benefits.
Maximum Coverage: $2,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: Plumbing stoppages including stoppages of any kind, water lines, waste lines, vent lines, clearing of toilet/shower/bathtub and sink stoppages, clearing of mainline drain and sewer stoppages through an accessible cleanout up to 100 feet from access point, Clearing of lateral drain line stoppages up to 100 feet from access point including accessible cleanout, p-trap, drain or overflow access points except:
Not Covered: Interior and/or exterior stoppages caused by collapsed, damaged or broken drain, vent or sewer lines outside the Residence's main foundation | lines broken, infiltrated or stopped by roots or foreign objects, even if within the Residence's main foundation | hydro jetting | camera inspection | stoppages and clogs that cannot be cleared by cable or snake | gas lines | water closets | slab leaks | costs to locate or access cleanouts not found or inaccessible, or to install cleanouts | access through roof vents.
Note: EHW will clear up a plumbing stoppage up to a maximum of two occurrences per Year and will only cover the cost of a standard sneaking service. Power washing and/or similar services are excluded. Where covered repairs require access to plumbing, EHW will pay up to $250 for cost to provide access to plumbing through walls, ceilings or floors, and will return access openings to a rough finish. Agreement Holder is fully responsible for payment of any additional expenses relating to access to plumbing through walls, ceilings or floors.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: Plumbing fixtures within the main foundation of the Residence including kitchen and shower plumbing fixtures, toilets and related mechanisms, toilet wax ring seals, diverters, standard faucets, valves, standard shower heads and shower arms, except:
Not Covered: commercial grade and premium plumbing fixtures | uninsulated and/or Improperly insulated | cosmetic damage | water pressure | backflow preventer | access to walls or celling | improper insulation | upgrade and restoration | shower enclosures and base pans | filtration systems.
Note: Up to a maximum of three occurrences per Year and will only cover the cost of a standard plumbing fixtures. EHW liability is limited to paying up to a total of $250 per occurrences with respect to each one (1) item and/or valves and related components, which limit includes expenses for diagnosis, repairs or replacement. Where covered repairs require access to plumbing, EHW will pay up to $250 for cost to provide access through walls, ceilings or floors, and will return access openings to a rough finish. Agreement Holder is fully responsible for payment of any additional expenses relating to access to plumbing through walls, ceilings or floors with respect to each covered item.
Maximum Coverage: $750 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including tankless water heaters, circulating pumps, control board, thermostats, heating elements, gas valves, safety valve, pressure switches, vent pipes, vent lines, thermocouple, burner and pilot assembly, ignition module and Igniter except:
Not Covered: hot water dispensers | motors | power vents | holding/storage tank | humidifiers | additional parts and components not related to a standard water heater | pressure valves | base pans | drain pans and drain lines | color or purity of water | flues | solar components | lime buildup | Sediment build-up | insulation and insulation blankets | magnesium rod failure.
Note: We do not require maintenance records. However, All Water Heaters must be serviced annually and to maintain the required regular maintenance for the unit to function effectively and efficiently.
Maximum Coverage: $2,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including control boards, motors, relays, door track assembly, door hardware, springs, and switches except:
Not Covered: door | keypad | sensors | wall buttons | remote controls and similar devices.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality including motors, except:
Not Covered: broken, loose, missing or unattached wires | maintenance | clogged vents | lighting | switches | noise.
Maximum Coverage: $250 per Year.
MAXIMUM COVERAGE PER COVERED ITEM OR SYSTEM - The Maximum Coverage noted below for each type of item or system applies to a single unit of the covered item or system in issue. If the Account Summary indicates that You purchased coverage for two (2) or more units of the Covered item or system in issue, then the MAXIMUM COVERAGE indicated below applies to each unit of that type of item or system indicated on the Account Summary, which amount may not exceed the Maximum Category Coverage.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including well pump, motor, pressure switch, seals, controls, impellers, electrical and plumbing lines, except:
Not Covered: booster pumps | portable pumps | grinder pumps | septic systems | sewage ejector pumps | sump pumps | effluent pumps | pressure tanks | gauges | well casings | tempering | joint wells | check and relief valve | geothermal well systems | well drilling | re-drilling of wells | water source heat pumps | holding or storage tanks | charges necessary to gain access and/or locate the well pump.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, plumbing lines, mainline stoppages that can be cleared without excavation, and power supply, except:
Not Covered: booster pumps | effluent pumps | sump pumps | well pumps | lift pumps | ejector pumps | sewage ejector pumps | broken or collapsed sewer lines | septic pumping | leach beds | leach lines | lateral lines | cesspools | chemical treatments | cost of finding or gaining access to the septic tank or sewer hook-ups | holding or storage tanks | disposal of waste | sewer hook-ups | tanks | mechanical pumps/systems | insufficient capacity.
Note: Mainline must have existing cleanout.
Maximum Coverage: $1,500 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including standard groundwater sump pump, switches, evacuation lines, and receptacles, except:
Not Covered: lack of capacity | battery backup systems | backflow preventers | check valves | piping modifications for new installs | portable pumps | grinder pumps | septic systems | sewage ejector pumps | well pumps | effluent pumps | piping modifications.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including standard residential grade grinder pump located within perimeter of the home, power supply and plumbing lines, motors, capacitors, impeller, mechanical seal, rotors, pump assembly, level controls, and control panel, except:
Not Covered: lack of capacity | battery backup systems | blades | basins | alarms | portable pumps | booster pumps | septic systems | sewage ejector pumps | well pumps | sump pumps | effluent pumps | sewage ejector pumps | backflow preventers | piping modifications.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including standard residential grade ejector pump located within perimeter of the home, power supply and battery-operated plumbing lines, motors, capacitors, impeller, mechanical seal, rotors, pump assembly, level controls, and control panel, except:
Not Covered: lack of capacity | battery backup systems | blades | basins | alarms | portable pumps | booster pumps | grinder pumps | septic systems | well pumps | sump pumps | effluent pumps | backflow preventers | piping modifications.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including standard residential grade lift pump located within perimeter of the home, power supply and battery-operated plumbing lines, motors, capacitors, impeller, mechanical seal, rotors, pump assembly, level controls, and control panel, except:
Not Covered: lack of capacity | battery backup systems | blades | basins | alarms | portable pumps | booster pumps | grinder pumps | septic systems | sewage ejector pumps | well pumps | sump pumps | effluent pumps | backflow preventers | piping modifications.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including standard residential grade effluent pump located within perimeter of the home, power supply and battery-operated plumbing lines, motors, capacitors, impeller, mechanical seal, rotors, pump assembly, level controls, and control panel, except:
Not Covered: lack of capacity | battery backup systems | blades | basins | alarms | portable pumps | booster pumps | grinder pumps | septic systems | sewage ejector pumps | well pumps | sump pumps | lift pumps | backflow preventers | piping modifications.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform the full functionality of the pool or/and spa mechanical system, including above ground accessible piping, pumping system, plumbing system, heating system, filtration system, electrical system, primary circulated pump and motor, blower motor, heaters, timers, plumbing pipes, wiring, pressure gauges, housings, impellers, laterals, and saltwater generators and their components, built-in inground and above ground pools and spas, except:
Not Covered: portable pools | portable spas | structural defects | underground components | computerized control board | underground plumbing lines and leaks | leaks unrelated to plumbing lines | liners | pool/spa cover and related equipment | cover motors | waterfalls | fountains | lights | jets | pool sweeps | fuel storage tanks | disposable filtration | cracked or corroded casings | grids | cartridges | gaskets | switches | relays | cleaning equipment | skimmers | popup heads | chlorinators | ionizers | light fixtures | maintenance | failures caused by a lack of proper maintenance.
Note: Both pool and spa equipment are covered if they share components and parts. If not, then only the pool or the built-in spa is covered.
Maximum Coverage: $1,500 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform the full functionality of the pool or/and spa mechanical system, including above ground accessible piping, pumping system, plumbing system, heating system, filtration system, electrical system, primary circulated pump and motor, blower motor, heaters, timers, plumbing pipes, wiring, pressure gauges, housings, impellers, laterals, and saltwater generators and their components, built-in inground and above ground pools, except:
Not Covered: portable pools | portable spas | structural defects | underground components | computerized control board | underground plumbing lines and leaks | leaks unrelated to plumbing lines | liners | pool/spa cover and related equipment | cover motors | waterfalls | fountains | lights | jets | pool sweeps | fuel storage tanks | disposable filtration | cracked or corroded casings | grids | cartridges | gaskets | switches | relays | cleaning equipment | skimmers | popup heads | chlorinators | ionizers | light fixtures | maintenance | failures caused by a lack of proper maintenance.
Maximum Coverage: $1,500 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform the full functionality of separated spa mechanical system, including above ground accessible piping, pumping system, plumbing system, heating system, filtration system, electrical system, primary circulated pump and motor, blower motor, heaters, plumbing pipes, wiring, pressure gauges, housings, impellers, and laterals, built-in inground and above ground spas, except:
Not Covered: portable spas | structural defects | underground components | computerized control board | timer | heat pump | underground plumbing lines and leaks | leaks unrelated to plumbing lines | liners | spa cover and related equipment | cover motors | waterfalls | fountains | lights | jets | sweeps | fuel storage tanks | disposable filtration | cracked or corroded casings | grids | cartridges | gaskets | switches | relays | cleaning equipment | skimmers | popup heads | chlorinators | ionizers | light fixtures | maintenance | failures caused by a lack of proper maintenance.
Maximum Coverage: $750 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, blower fan; blower fan motor, control panel, dust collector, dust collect tank, and capacitors, except:
Not Covered: blockages | accessories | ductwork | piping | nozzles | hoses | access.
Maximum Coverage: $500 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including standard residential grade water filtration system located within the perimeter of the home, power supply, and all associated plumbing lines, check valves, fittings, drain flow restrictors, and pressure booster pumps, except:
Not Covered: filters | sediment buildup | lime buildup | none electric powered systems | color or purity of the water pressure regulators | water filters pitchers | sediment build up | pressurized storage tanks | water testing kits | insufficient water pressure | excessive water pressure.
Maximum Coverage: $750 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including control board, compressor, condensers, evaporators, fan motors, timers, thermostats, wiring, racks, shelves, door seals, door alarms and wire harness, except:
Not Covered: touch panel | filters | leaks.
Maximum Coverage: $750 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including ice maker, ice dispenser, water dispenser, control board, compressor, condensers, evaporators, thermostats, and power supply, except:
Not Covered: touch panel | water lines.
Maximum Coverage: $500 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including timers, valves, stoppages, water lines and power supply, except:
Not Covered: seasonal maintenance | hydraulic systems | heads | digging | insufficient water pressure | excessive water pressure | Breakdown resulting from a weather condition.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform the full functionality of the jetted/hot tub mechanical system, including above ground accessible piping, pumping system, plumbing system, heating system, electrical system, primary circulated pump and motor, blower motor, heaters, plumbing pipes, and pressure gauges, except:
Not Covered: portable tubs | structural defects | underground components | computerized control board | timer | heat pump | leaks | liners | lights | Suctions | jets | cracked or corroded casings | cleaning equipment | popup heads | light fixtures | maintenance.
Maximum Coverage: $750 per Year
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including engine, motor, control board, control panels, alternator, stators, rotors, fuel pumps, fuel injector, voltage regulator, radiators, water pumps, air pumps, condenser, capacitors, wiring, switches, breakers, receptacles, axles, and battery, except:
Not Covered: leased equipment | fuels including gas, diesel, liquid propane, propane gas or natural gas | circuit overload | belts | chargers | pads | main assembly and frames | filter nozzles | fuel filters | coolants | maintenance | loss and/or damage arising out of power failure, power surge, flood and/or fire.
Maximum Coverage: $750 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including motor, shaft bearings, motor pulley, water pump, blower pulley, v-belt, wire connection box, and float valve, except:
Not Covered: drain and overflow tube | evaporative pads | distribution tubing | circuit overload | belts | loss and/or damage arising out of power failure, power surge, flood and/or fire.
Maximum Coverage: $2,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including control boards, compressor, condensers, temperature switches, circuit boards, control panel, exhaust fans, thermal plates, evaporator coil, evaporators, fan motors, timers, thermostats, and wiring, except:
Not Covered: keys and/or locks | refrigerant | line restrictions | interior thermal shell | beverage spoilage | multimedia centers | panels | cabinetry.
Maximum Coverage: $500 per Year.
Trash Compactor
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality that fail due to normal wear and tear including the motor, except:
Not Covered: lock and key assemblies | safety latch | removable bin | removable accessories | commercial grade.
Maximum Coverage: $500 Per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including standard residential grade water filtration system located within the perimeter of the home, power supply, and all associated plumbing lines, central head assembly, and multi-level/twin softeners, except:
Not Covered: odor control | iron filtration components and systems | discharge drywells | inadequate pressure | tanks | recharge | regeneration | sediment buildup | lime buildup | non-electric powered systems | color or purity of the water | insufficient water pressure | excessive water pressure.
Maximum Coverage: $750 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full functionality, including motors, blades, switches, and controls.
Maximum Coverage: $500 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform the full functionality of the exterior sewer system and water line, including locating the blockage or collapse, locating a leak, excavation to expose pipe, pipe replacement or repair, repair or replacement of seals and joints, unblocking, fitting external valves, fusing, welding, pipe cutting, backfilling of areas disturbed by repairs, except:
Not Covered: any pipes located underneath a concrete foundation | slab leaks | water pressure | uninsulated and/or Improperly insulated pipes | Breakdown resulting from a weather condition | restoration of your pavement, yard, or landscaping disturbed or excavated as part of a covered repair on your property.
Note: Where covered repairs require access to underground pipes, EHW will pay up to $1,000 for the cost of access and/or restoration and will return access openings to a rough finish.
Maximum Coverage: $3,000 in total coverage per Year for repair and/or replacement, up to maximum of 2 occurrences per Year with a limit of up to $1,500 for each occurrence for repair and/or replacement. Coverage limit under this section will increase by 10% with every 12 months of coverage for all ongoing and renewed service agreements.
What Is Covered: Limited Roof Patching Repairs required to patch a roof when necessary to stop a resulting interior leak in the occupied living area of the Residence directly beneath the roof including roof leak patching activities due to a roof leak, except:
Not Covered: cracked and/or missing tiles, shakes, shingles, sheet metal panels or solar roof panels | foam roofs, tar and gravel, structural components |any other material not specifically mentioned as covered | any defects related to labor or materials used in structural components, gutters, downspouts, flashing, sheathing, framing, truss, patio covers, skylights, decks, solar equipment, vents, heating or cooling equipment, antennae, satellite components, balconies, or chimneys, built-up roofs, garage roofs | extraordinary painting | any type of damage and/or secondary damage | damage caused by persons walking or standing on roof | damage due to lack of caulking or other normal or preventative maintenance.
Note: Must be unrelated to any casualty event. Coverage under this Section is limited to Limited Roof Leak Repair Services only and does not under any circumstances include coverage for a partial or complete replacement of a roof. Roof Leak Repair Coverage is excluded during the first ninety days of the coverage. EHW will not provide Roof Leak Repair benefits within the first ninety days of the service agreement effective date.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
Increases the maximum coverage limit for Refrigerators, Ovens, Dishwashers, and Microwave identified in Section VI to double the standard coverage limit.
What Is Covered: All components and parts listed for each covered appliance in section VI.
Not Covered: Any excluded components listed for each covered item, please refer to section VI for a specific covered appliance to see specific details.
Maximum Coverage: Increases the maximum coverage limit for Refrigerators to $6,000 per Year, Ovens to $4,000 per Year, Dishwashers to $3,000 per Year, and Microwave to $1,000 per Year.
Increases the maximum coverage limit for Air Conditioning and Heating Systems to $5,000 each.
What Is Covered: All components and parts listed for Air Conditioning and Heating Systems in section VII.
Not Covered: Any excluded components listed for Air Conditioning and Heating Systems, please refer to each covered system to see specific details.
Maximum Coverage: Increases the maximum coverage limit for Air Conditioning and Heating Systems to $5,000 each, and HVAC to $7,000 per Year.
Increases the maximum coverage limit for Air Conditioning and Heating Systems to $7,000 each.
What Is Covered: All components and parts listed for Air Conditioning and Heating Systems in section VII.
Not Covered: Any excluded components listed for Air Conditioning and Heating Systems, please refer to each covered system to see specific details.
Maximum Coverage: Increases the maximum coverage limit for Air Conditioning and Heating Systems to $7,000 each, and HVAC to $10,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: Premium coverage benefits including coverage for code upgrade and modifications, crane and/or similar lifting services, freon coverage, and the disposal of items during covered repair and/or replacement services, except;
Not Covered: Any excluded components listed for each covered item, please refer to sections VI, VII, VIII for specific details.
Maximum Coverage: $1,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform its full mechanical functionality including geothermal heat pump, compressor, condenser, evaporator, underground pipes, wells, connectors, valves, pumps, motors, relays, control boards, wiring, and ductwork, except:
Not Covered: dampers | temperature control | vents | registers | leaking pipes | leaks of any kind | maintenance | improper installation | negligence and/or misuse | cosmetic or aesthetic issues | acts of nature | programmable thermostats | humidifiers | air purifiers | filters | belts | lubricants, energy recovery ventilators, remote monitoring and/or smart home integration.
Maximum Coverage: $4,000 per Year.
What Is Covered: Extending the coverage to a guest house of up to 800 square feet, covering the appliances and systems that are covered with the plan. except:
Not Covered: Any excluded components listed for each covered item, please refer to a specific covered item to see specific details.
Maximum Coverage: See each item coverage limit for more details. EHW will cover up to $5,000 on all Covered Items combined per Year.
What Is Covered: All components and parts needed to perform the full functionality of covered appliances and systems; limited to Covered Items, components, and parts for the following major systems - Air Conditioning, Heating, Electrical, Plumbing (excluding coverage for Plumbing stoppages), Water Heater, Refrigerator and Oven. Coverage is limited to repairs and parts required for the Breakdown of a covered item which can be repaired, except:
Not Covered: Coverage does not apply to the Breakdown of a covered item which cannot be repaired; the total amount which EHW will pay if one or more of these Covered Items experiences a Breakdown during this period is limited to fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500), in the aggregate, for expenses to access, diagnose or repair all of these Covered Items (with each claim being subject to all additional limitations under this Agreement, including but not limited to Sections XI. D.-G.).
Maximum Coverage: $1,500 per Year.
What Is Covered: Annual maintenance service routine for air conditioning and heating systems including standard maintenance performance, cleaning and tune up services, cleaning air filters, checking and adjusting thermostat settings, inspecting and lubricating moving parts, checking and tightening electrical connections, testing safety controls and switches, cleaning and inspecting condensate drain lines, checking refrigerant levels, inspecting and cleaning evaporator and condenser coils, checking and adjusting blower components, testing and inspecting fan blades and motors, except:
Not Covered: preexisting and/or ongoing failure | any items or issues identified as excluded from coverage for air conditioning and/or heating systems in Section VII.
Water Heater Annual Maintenance
What Is Covered: Annual maintenance service routine for a Water Heater including standard maintenance performance, cleaning and tune up services, draining and flushing the tank to remove sediment and mineral buildup, which can affect the heater's efficiency, inspecting and, if necessary, replacing the anode rod to prevent corrosion inside the tank, ensuring that the pressure relief valve is functioning properly to prevent excessive pressure buildup, checking and calibrating the thermostat to ensure accurate temperature control, inspecting the entire system for any signs of leaks, corrosion, or other issues, If applicable, cleaning or replacing filters in tankless water heaters or other water heating systems, ensuring that gas lines are secure and there are no gas leaks, and ensuring that the pilot light is lit and functioning correctly, except:
Not Covered: preexisting and/or ongoing failure | any items or issues identified as excluded from coverage for a Water Heater in Section VII.
A. You are obligated to pay the difference between:
1. The Other Coverage benefit which EHW pays under this Section IX., in accordance with all limitations set forth in this Section and elsewhere in this Agreement, and
2. The total amount of fees charged by a governmental entity or Repair Technician in connection with the repair or replacement of such Covered Items.
B. The Service Provider may require you to pay an additional fee to dispose of the Covered Item or one of its components and/or parts.
A . General Exclusions. The following exclusions are General Exclusions from coverage. This Agreement does not provide any coverage or other benefit for:
1. Routine maintenance (you are obligated to routinely perform and pay for maintenance and cleaning of Covered Items as specified by the manufacturer)
2. Flues, venting, chimneys, and exhaust lines;
3. Replacement, repair or remediation of a Covered Item that experiences Cosmetic Damage and or a Covered Item that is missing any parts or components.
4. Electronic, computerized, or home management systems.
5. Radon monitoring systems, fire sprinkler systems, and solar systems and components.
6. Loss of income; utility bills; living expenses.
7. Food spoilage.
8. Repair, replacement, installation, or modification of any component or part of a covered item that has been or is determined to be defective by a state or federal agency, or for which a manufacturer has issued, or issues, a warning, recall, or determination of defect.
9. Repair or replacement required in connection with an event or occurrence covered under a homeowner's policy, renter's insurance policy, umbrella policy or other insurance policy, irrespective of which person(s) or entity is the named insured or an additional insured.
10. Repair or replacement required as a result of misuse, abuse, or mistreatment, including but not limited to, removal of parts and damage by people, pests, or pets, accidents, fire, freezing, water damage, electrical failure or surge, or manufacturer’s improper design, improper materials or formulations, or excessive or inadequate water pressure, lightning, mud, earthquake, soil movement, storms, or any acts of God.
11. Repair or replacement required as a result of accidents; fire, freeze, flood, or other acts of God; neglect; misuse; abuse; missing parts; vandalism; or damages due to pests or pets.
12. Repair or replacement required as a result of structural defects; manufacturer defects; power failure, shortage, surge or overload; inadequate capacity; cosmetic defects; or design flaws.
13. Repair or replacement required as a result of consequential or secondary damage, including but not limited to any damage resulting from water, gas, smoke, fire, oil, or other natural or man-made substances or materials.
14. Repair or replacement required as a result of any damages due to a Repair Technician's conventional repair efforts of the primary item.
15. Except as otherwise provided in Section VIII (if you selected the optional Limited Roof Leak Repair coverage), any repair or replacement in respect to any aspect of the exterior of the Residence, including but not limited to its roof, roof shingles, roof tiles, sheet metal roofing, roof surface, flashing, gutters, windows, skylights, doors, sliding glass or screen door, foundation, basement, crawl space, concrete, concrete block, balcony, porch, patio, deck, awning, mounted exterior installations, sunshade, chimney, fireplace, firepit, sidewalks, driveway, mailbox, brick, stone, stucco, masonry or siding.
16. Closing or providing access to any Covered Items.
17. Cost of carpentry, construction, or other modifications made necessary by a covered repair or replacemen
18. Except as otherwise provided in Section IX.E., any system or appliance upgrades, or repairs or replacements required: a. when the Breakdown is due to missing components, parts, or equipment: b. when the Breakdown is due to lack of capacity in the existing system or appliance: c. when the Breakdown is due to under or oversized systems in relation to the square footage of the area being heated or cooled; or d. to comply with any federal, state, or local laws, regulations or ordinances, utility regulations, or building or zoning code requirements.
19. Performing service, or paying remediation costs, that relate in any manner to hazardous or toxic materials, mold, mildew, bio-organic growth, red-tagged units, gas leaks, carbon monoxide leaks, and any other hazardous contaminants, rot, fungus, or pest damage, or for: a. Damages from such causes: b. Diagnosis, removal or remediation of such conditions; or c. Repairs or replacements necessitated by such causes.
20. Repair or replacement required as a result of any damages or malfunctions due to undetectable and detectable pre-existing conditions which are defects or mechanical failures that could or could not have been detected by a visual inspection or simple mechanical test.
21. Repair or replacement required as a result of any damages or malfunctions due to mismatched systems where the indoor and outdoor units were not properly matched to each other in capacity or efficiency for proper operation.
22. Repair or replacement required as a result of any damages or malfunctions arising from any parts and/or components not provided within What Is Covered throughout sections VI, VII, and VIII.
23. Except as otherwise provided and listed as Covered in What Is Covered, in Sections VI, VII and VIII, repair or replacement required as a result of any damages or malfunctions arising from any parts and/or components not related to the full mechanical and/ or electrical functionality of a covered item including cosmetic parts and components, racks, shelves, glass, lighting, doors, doors seal, hinges, trays, gaskets, baskets, rollers, switches, sensors, controllers, chains, gears, springs, latches, tracks, knobs, dials, tubes, touch panels, rollers, keypad, alarms, timers, filters, blankets, rotisseries, venting, freon, maintenance, noise, panels, tanks, expansion tanks, assembly components, cabinetry, smart gadgets and/or smart thermostat, effectiveness of performance, support equipment, Insulation, flues, solar and/or geothermal components, cosmetic damage, leaks of any kind and or similar parts and components.
24. Repair or replacement required as a result of any damages or malfunctions due to Improper installations, repairs, or modifications of any covered item.
25. Except as otherwise provided in Sections VI, VII and VIII, Replacement, repair or remediation of a Covered Item that experiences any kind of leaks.
26. Repair or replacement required as a result of any damages or malfunctions arising from circuit overload, loss and/or damage arising out of power failure, power surge, flood and/or fire.
27. Repair or replacement required as a result of any damages or malfunctions arising from pests, rodents, animals, roots, and/or any type of foreign objects.
28. Except as otherwise provided in Sections VI, VII, and VIII, any repair or replacement in respect to any aspect of the exterior of the Residence, including the outside space of the main Residence, yard and/or any kind additional detached guest units, studios and similar units.
29. Replacement, repair, or remediation of a covered item that experiences any failures, damages, or malfunctions arising from secondary damage of any uncovered parts or components and/or from lack of proper timely repair.
B. Partial Exclusions. The following are Partial Exclusions from coverage or are Excluded Fees. Except as otherwise specified in this Agreement, EHW is not responsible or liable for:
1. Providing or closing access to Covered Items
2. Costs of construction, carpentry, or other modifications necessary to remove, relocate, or install equipment; or
3. Restoration of any wall or floor coverings, cabinets, counter tops, tiling, paint, or the like.
The following courtesy coverage benefits are determined at our sole discretion and evaluated on a case-by-case basis, considering the nature of the failure and the reason for it. EHW's courtesy coverage is limited to up to $500 per year in aggregate for all of the below listed type of failures.
A. For Repair or replacement required as a result of any damages or malfunctions arising from lack of maintenance and/or lack of service required on any type of cooling and/or heating systems and components not limited to yearly checkup routine and cleaning services, EHW will not be responsible for repairing or replacing such system if a problem occurs within the first ninety days of the service agreement effective date. After the first 90 days, EHW may, at our sole discretion, provide a courtesy coverage benefit of up to an aggregate of $500 for repairs, parts, or a replacement per year.
B. For water heater repair or replacement required due to any damages or malfunctions arising from leaks of any kind and/or lack of required service on any type of water heater systems and components, including but not limited to yearly checkup routines and cleaning services, EHW will not be responsible for repairing or replacing such water heaters if a problem occurs within the first ninety days of the service agreement effective date. After the first 90 days, EHW may, at our sole discretion, provide a courtesy coverage benefit of up to an aggregate of $500 for repairs, parts, or a replacement per year.
C. In order for a Covered Seasonal Item, such as air conditioning, heating, pools, spas, or similar items, to be eligible for repair or replacement, it must remain fully operational without any known or unknown failures for a continuous period of 30 days during the Agreement Effective Term, within its corresponding season. If a Covered Item fails to meet this requirement, EHW will not be responsible for repairing or replacing such an item. EHW may, at our sole discretion, provide a courtesy coverage benefit of up to an aggregate of $500 for repairs, parts, or replacement per year.
D. In the event of any covered failure on mismatched systems and/or mismatched parts and components of Covered Items, EHW will not be responsible for repairing or replacing such an item. EHW may, at our sole discretion, provide a courtesy coverage benefit of up to an aggregate of $500 for repairs, parts, or replacement per year. Mismatched systems, parts, and/or components refer to situations where the indoor and outdoor units, Covered Items, or their respective parts and components were not properly matched in terms of brand, capacity, or efficiency, thereby potentially impacting their proper operation.
E. For Repair or replacement required as a result of any damages or malfunctions arising from rust, corrosion and/or sediment, EHW will not be responsible for repairing or replacing such an item. EHW may, at our sole discretion, provide a courtesy coverage benefit of up to an aggregate of $500 for repairs, parts, or replacement per year.
A. For the first ninety days of the Term. Subject to the other limitations under this Section XII and the Agreement, the following additional limitations on our liability apply to every Breakdown that is otherwise covered under this Agreement, for the first ninety days of the Term: EHW provides coverage for repairs, replacements and parts required for the Breakdown of a covered item and EHW's Total Liability for the first ninety days of the Term for repairs, replacements and parts required is limited to paying You in the aggregate up to $300 for all claims combined within the first ninety days. The above limitations apply only to a new agreement and does not apply to renewals.
B. For the Term. Subject to the other limitations under this Section XII and the Agreement, the following additional limitations on our liability apply to every Breakdown that is otherwise covered under this Agreement for the Term:
1. Standard Total Liability. EHW's standard Total Liability Per Year for all Breakdowns and fees and reimbursements under this Agreement is limited to paying in the aggregate a total of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000), including sales tax, for the Breakdown of all Covered Items that occur during the Term. If the Declaration of Coverage indicates your Purchase Price included payment for a higher limit as to Our Total Liability, then Our Total Liability under this Section XII.B.1. shall be the figure shown on the Declaration of Coverage.
2. Our Total Liability Per Covered Item Per Category. EHW's standard Total Liability Per Covered Item Per Year for all Breakdowns and fees and reimbursements Per Covered Item under this Agreement is limited to paying in the aggregate of the original maximum coverage limit of the covered Item as indicated in sections VI, VII, and VIII.
C. For a Covered System listed under Section VII, including HVAC, air conditioners, heating, electrical, plumbing, garage door openers, and water heaters - 10 years old and older. Subject to the other limitations under this Section XII and the Agreement, the following additional limitations of our liability apply to every Breakdown if the Covered System is at least 10 years old as of the date of the Breakdown:
1. EHW will provide repair and replacement services. EHW's total liability as to the repair or replacement of the Covered Item shall be limited to EHW's covering a maximum of up to 50% of the Maximum Coverage Amount of the Covered Item. EHW's Total Liability for repairs, replacements and parts required is limited to up to $2,500.
2. When Premium coverage is purchased, such as Premium Systems, or Premium Systems Plus, EHW's total liability as to the repair or replacement of the Covered Item shall be limited to EHW's coverage is limited to a maximum of 50% of the Maximum Coverage Amount of the Covered Item, not to exceed $2,500.
3. Coverage benefit under this section will increase by 10% with every twelve months of coverage for all ongoing and renewed service agreements but is subject to the original maximum coverage limit of the covered Item as indicated in sections VII.
D. For a Covered Aplliance and/or a Covered Optional Item listed under Section VI and/or Section VIII, Refrigerators, Clothes Washers, Clothes Dryers, Range/Oven/Cooktop, Dishwasher, Built-In Microwave, Garbage Disposal, Ceiling Fans and any covered Optional Items - 5 years old and older. Subject to the other limitations under this Section XII and the Agreement, the following additional limitations of our liability apply to every Breakdown if the Covered Item is at least 5 years old as of the date of the Breakdown:
1. EHW will provide repair and replacement services. EHW's total liability as to the repair or replacement of the Covered Item shall be limited to EHW's covering a maximum of up to 50% of the Maximum Coverage Amount of the Covered Item. EHW's Total Liability for repairs, replacements and parts required is limited to up to $1,500.
2. When Premium coverage is purchased, such as Premium Appliances, EHW's total liability as to the repair or replacement of the Covered Item shall be limited to EHW's coverage is limited to a maximum of up to 50% of the Maximum Coverage Amount of the Covered Item, not to exceed $1,500.
3. Coverage benefit under this section will increase by 10% with every twelve months of coverage for all ongoing and renewed service agreements but is subject to the original maximum coverage limit of the covered Item as indicated in sections VI, and VIII.
E. For a Covered Item, Appliance and/or System - 25 years old and older. Subject to the other limitations under this Section XII and the Agreement, the following additional limitations of our liability apply to every Breakdown if the Covered Item is at least 25 years old as of the date of the Breakdown:
1. EHW will provide repair and replacement services. EHW's total liability as to the repair or replacement of the Covered Item shall be limited to EHW's covering a maximum of up to 20% of the Maximum Coverage Amount of the Covered Item, towards the repair and/or replacement costs, not to exceed $1,000.
2. Coverage benefit under this section will increase by 10% with every twelve months of coverage for all ongoing and renewed service agreements but is subject to the original maximum coverage limit of the covered system as indicated in sections VI, VII, and VIII.
F. For a Covered Item that is covered under existing insurance, warranties, or guarantees, including but not limited to manufacturer’s, contractor’s, builder’s, distributor’s, or another existing home warranty, and subject to the limitations under Section XII and the Agreement, the following coverage benefits apply to every breakdown if the Covered Item is under manufacturer warranty and/or any other warranty for parts and/or labor:
1. EHW may provide up to an aggregate of up to $300 for repair services toward the cost of labor. If the Covered Item cannot be repaired, EHW's total benefit for the Covered Item and any replacement costs during the Term shall be limited to a maximum payment of up to $300 toward the replacement costs in lieu of replacing the Covered Item.
2. EHW coverage is secondary to such insurance, warranties, or guarantees and is not liable to provide coverage benefits other than the $300 coverage benefit indicated in XII.F.1, since the Covered Item is already under existing warranty benefits.
G. For a Covered Item that is Not Repairable due to Unavailable Parts. Subject to the other limitations under this Section XII and the Agreement, the following additional limitations on our liability apply to every Breakdown if the Covered Item requires parts essential to its operation which are no longer available from established parts suppliers, or if the Covered Item otherwise cannot be repaired: EHW will provide repair and replacement services. EHW's total liability as to the repair or replacement of the Covered Item shall be limited to EHW's covering a maximum of up to $500 towards the repair and/or replacement costs of the Covered Item.
H. Your Financial Obligations. You at all times are responsible for paying: (1) all Service Fees, (2) all Special AGREEMENT FEES, and (3) the difference between: (i) any amount which EHW pays regarding a Covered Item under this Agreement, in accordance with the limitations set forth in this Section XII and elsewhere in this Agreement, and (ii) the total amount charged by a governmental entity or Repair Technician in connection with the repair or replacement of such Covered Item.
I. We have the right to request purchase records, repair or installation records, certifications, and home inspection reports, among other pieces of evidence, for any reason and at any time, including but not limited to reviewing any claims, or reviewing Our decision to deny any claims. If you do not provide us with any of the above requested evidence, we reserve the right to limit or deny your repair, replacement and/or cash in lieu of repair or replacement.
J. We have the sole right to determine whether a Covered Item will be repaired or replaced. We reserve the right to offer cash in lieu of repair or replacement in the amount of our actual cost (which at times may be less than retail) to repair or replace any Covered Item towards replacment. Cash offered in lieu of repair or replacement are limited to the value of the Covered Item. In the event a covered system or appliance is not cost-effective to repair, we may offer cash in lieu of the cost of repair toward replacing the covered item. When cash is issued to replace a Covered Item, unless the appliance or system is replaced with a brand new, unused, and/or non-refurbished/rebuilt item by the agreement holder, you may not make subsequent claims on such Covered Item.
K. We have the sole right to determine whether a Covered Item will be repaired or replaced. In the event a covered system or appliance deemed irreparable, EHW may replace the system or appliance with a system or appliance of like capacity, in the price of which shall not exceed the value of the system or appliance being replaced. If we offer cash in lieu of replacement, the cash settlement shall be in an amount not to exceed the value of the component, system, or appliance being replaced.
L. We are not liable for any failure to obtain timely service or delays in obtaining parts or equipment or for delays due to conditions beyond Our control, including, but not limited to, labor difficulties, strikes, riots, pandemic, war, acts of war, fire, floods, embargoes, insurrections, or an acts of God. We will continue to perform this Agreement with reasonable scheduling whenever such events causing delays are eliminated.
M. You agree that We are not liable for the negligence or other conduct of the Service Provider, nor are We an insurer of Service Providers performance. You also agree that we will not be liable for damages caused by the service provider, including but not limited to indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages. YOU EXPRESSLY WAIVE ALL RIGHTS TO SUCH DAMAGES.
N. You hereby waive all rights to claim attorneys fees, consequential, punitive, indirect, incidental, and/or multiplied or otherwise increased damages, and any other damages, other than for the actual out-of-pocket expenses.
A. If this Agreement is for a duplex, triplex, or fourplex dwelling, then all units within the dwelling must be covered by a EHW Agreement for coverage to apply to shared systems and appliances.
B. Except as otherwise provided in this Section XIII, shared systems and appliances are not covered.
A. We have a simplified claims process.
B. We seek to handle claims quickly and efficiently.
C. There are no limits on the number of claims that you can request service for annually.
D. There may be potential options, following diagnosis, for you to choose to receive repair or replacement services or cash payment for the total approved cost of the repair or replacement minus diagnosis fees. See Section III.
A. Renewal. EHW may renew this Agreement at its sole discretion. Monthly and annual agreements will automatically renew. Rates are subject to annual increases, and you will be automatically charged the updated service agreement rate. All other agreements are set to renew for another term based on the same term and rate of the original purchased agreement. In the event we elect to renew your Agreement, you will be notified upon the renewal of your Service Agreement. No contract or cancellation fees apply in the case of canceling the renewed Service Agreement. Please see Supplemental State Specific Provisions for additional details that may supplement or amend these provisions.
B. Transfer Agreement Ownerships. If this Agreement has not expired or been canceled, and we have not paid under this Agreement an aggregate amount equal to Our Total Liability - Per Year under Section XII.B.1. for coverage in the Term, then this Agreement is transferable for the remainder of its Term to a person who purchases, leases or subleases the Residence located at the street address designated above (“Transferee”). If ownership of the Residence changes during the Term, you must contact us at (888) 354-8398 within fifteen (15) days after the date when the Transferee purchased the Residence.
C. Transfer Agreement to Another Address. If this Agreement has not expired or been canceled, and no claims have been filed, then this Agreement is transferable for the remainder of its Term to a new address without additional fees. You must contact us at (888) 354-8398 fifteen (15) days prior to moving to the new address. A 30-day waiting period will apply when transferring this Agreement to a new address, starting from the completion of the address change. In the event that claims were filed, this Agreement will not be transferable to another address. You can transfer it to a new owner as indicated in XV.B or cancel this Agreement for a prorated refund minus all claims paid, as indicated in XVI.
A. Either party, "You" or "We," has the right to cancel this Agreement. For more information, please refer to the Supplemental State Specific Provisions, as they provide additional details that may supplement or modify these provisions.
B. The Agreement Holder has the right to cancel the Agreement at any time without incurring a cancellation fee. In the event of cancellation, the Agreement will be prorated, and any unused portion will be refunded. It is important to review the Supplemental State Specific Provisions for further information, as they contain additional details that may supplement or modify these provisions.
C. If the duration of this Agreement extends beyond one year, any services provided and/or paid for by EHW, up to the value of the service agreement, will be subtracted from the eligible refund.
D. During the 30-day free trial period, the Agreement Holder has the option to cancel the agreement within 30 days from the effective date of the Agreement and receive a complete refund without incurring any penalties or cancellation fees. However, any services provided and/or paid for by EHW will be subtracted from the refund amount.
E. All agreements purchased and paid for by a third party, such as a realtor, title company, escrow invoice, or any similar entity, are final and non-refundable.
F. We have the right to cancel this Agreement for any reason, including lack of response or cooperation regarding any services that we provide, and for any dishonesty or misinformation we receive from you regarding any covered item.
G. Any service agreements that are past due for more than 30 days will be automatically canceled and will not be reinstated.
H. Any chargebacks and/or payment disputes related to payments made for coverage premiums and services to EHW will result in the immediate cancellation of the service agreement, and such agreements will not be reinstated.
A. Full Faith And Credit. The obligations of EHW under the Agreement are backed by the full faith and credit of EHW.
B. Purchase Not Required For A Loan. You are not obligated to purchase this Agreement in order to be eligible for a loan from a financial institution.
C. Dispute Remedy. Any claim, dispute or controversy, regarding any Agreement, tort, statute, or otherwise (“Claim”), arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the relationships among the parties hereto shall be resolved by one of the following means: Either party may seek binding arbitration by one arbitrator administered by the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”), under the AAA Consumer Rules in effect at the time the Claim is filed (“AAA Rules”). Copies of the AAA Rules and forms can be located at, or by calling 1-800-778-7879. The arbitrator's decision shall be final, binding, and non-appealable. Judgment upon the award may be entered and enforced in any court having jurisdiction. This clause is made pursuant to a transaction involving interstate commerce and shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act. Neither party shall sue the other party other than as provided herein or for enforcement of this clause or of the arbitrator's award; any such suit may be brought only in Federal District Court for the District or, if any such court lacks jurisdiction, in any state court that has jurisdiction. The arbitrator, and not any federal, state, or local court, shall have exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability, unconscionability, arbitrability, enforceability or formation of this Agreement including any claim that all or any part of the Agreement is void or voidable. However, the preceding sentence shall not apply to the clause entitled “Class Action Waiver.”
D. If you have more than one agreement with us, you must submit 1 arbitration for each agreement. You hereby waive any right to initiate 1 arbitration covering multiple agreements.
E. Class Action Waiver. Any Claim must be brought in the parties' individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class, collective, representative, multiple plaintiffs, or similar proceeding (“Class Action”). The parties expressly waive any ability to maintain any Class Action in any forum. The arbitrator shall not have authority to combine or aggregate similar claims or conduct any Class Action nor make an award to any person or entity not a party to the arbitration. Any claim that all or part of this Class Action Waiver is unenforceable, unconscionable, void, or voidable may be determined only by a court of competent jurisdiction and not by an arbitrator. THE PARTIES UNDERSTAND THAT THEY WOULD HAVE HAD A RIGHT TO LITIGATE THROUGH A COURT, TO HAVE A JUDGE OR JURY DECIDE THEIR CASE AND TO BE PARTY TO A CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION, HOWEVER, THEY UNDERSTAND AND CHOOSE TO HAVE ANY CLAIMS DECIDED INDIVIDUALLY, THROUGH ARBITRATION.
F. Release. You agree to waive the rights to dispute any payments transactions or to file a complaint or leave any negative reviews prior to contacting EHW’s Resolution Department at (718) 360-0297. This includes posting any negative reviews against EHW and/or any of its affiliates, with Facebook, Better Business Bureau, Attorney’s General’s Office, Department of Consumer Affairs, Google, Yelp, Review Websites, Blog Posts, and any and all other social media. If applicable, once a dispute or claim is resolved with EHW, You agree to remove, delete, and erase, any and all negative reviews posted online against EHW and/or any of its affiliates, including but not limited to Facebook, Better Business Bureau, Attorney’s General’s Office, Department of Consumer Affairs, Google, Yelp, Review Websites, Blog Posts. If applicable, once a dispute or claim is resolved with EHW,You agree to close out any and all complaints against EHW as resolved and/or satisfactory. Failing to do any of these aforementioned obligations will result in a termination of this Home Warranty Service Agreement.
G. Additional Details. Please see Supplemental State Specific Provisions, for additional details which supplement or amend these provisions.
These Supplemental State Specific Provisions are incorporated by reference into and are made a part of this Agreement.
Full Faith And Credit:
A. Wherever the term "Home Warranty" is used, it means “Service Agreement”.
B. The obligations of EHW under the Agreement are backed by the full faith and credit of EHW and are not
guaranteed under a reimbursement insurance policy.
C. Benefits will commence thirty (30) days after receipt of the first payment, unless otherwise specified on the account summary pages.
Section XVI is amended to provide as follows:
A. If you return this Agreement within 20 days of the date it was mailed to you or within 10 days of delivery if it is delivered to you at the time of sale, or within 30 days of the Agreement Effective Date, whichever is later, then: the Agreement is void and we will refund the full Purchase Price less the value of all service(s) you received.
B. If you return this Agreement more than 30 days after the Agreement Effective Date, then: you will receive a pro rata refund of the Agreement Fee (Purchase Price) consideration for the unexpired term of the Agreement, based on the number of elapsed months, less the value of all service(s) you received.
C. If we cancel this Agreement, we will mail you written notice stating the reason and the effective date of cancellation to your last known address according to our records at least Twenty (20) days prior to cancellation by us. We will not provide prior notice if we cancel for your nonpayment or material misrepresentation relating to the covered property. You will receive a pro rata refund of the Agreement Fee (Purchase Price) consideration for the unexpired term of the Agreement, based on the number of elapsed months, less the value of all service(s) you received.
D. A ten percent (10%) penalty per month shall be added to any refund that is not paid or credited within 45 days after and return of this Agreement to us.
E. We will not cancel or void this Agreement for any of the following reasons:
1. Due to acts or omissions by us, our assignees, or our subcontractors, for our or their failure to provide correct information or failure to perform the services or repairs provided in a timely, competent and workmanlike manner;
2. Preexisting conditions that were known or that reasonably should have been known by us or the person
selling this Agreement on our behalf;
3. Prior use or unlawful acts relating to the product;
4. Misrepresentation by either us or the person selling this Agreement on our behalf;
5. Ineligibility for this program.
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At Elite Home Warranty, we are dedicated to providing exceptional home warranty products and services to homeowners across the nation. With our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, we have become the go-to choice for thousands of homeowners seeking reliable and comprehensive coverage for their homes.
Our superior home warranty products are designed to offer peace of mind and protect your most valuable investment - your home. We understand that unexpected breakdowns can cause stress and financial strain. That's why we offer comprehensive coverage plans that safeguard your appliances, systems, and other essential components, ensuring you are prepared for any unforeseen repairs or replacements.
What sets us apart from the competition is our unwavering dedication to customer service. Our 24/7 live concierge service is available to assist you anytime, day or night. Our knowledgeable and friendly representatives are ready to answer your questions, provide guidance, and address your concerns promptly and professionally.
When it comes to repairs, we believe in delivering nothing short of white-glove service. Our network of qualified and vetted technicians are committed to providing top-notch repair services, ensuring that your home is in the hands of skilled professionals. Whether it's a minor repair or a major system breakdown, our experts will handle it with precision, efficiency, and care, minimizing disruptions to your daily life.